Look ups in Oracle Apps give developers and users the ability to map one value to another. The limitation is that it allows for 4 fields only, Code, Meaning, Description and Tag. Among these values, Code, is a unique column. Again if we need to use more than 4 columns then we have to extend Look ups by using DFF segments.
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments
Query for Application = Application Object Library and Title=Common Look ups
Let us now check the lookup form.
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Application > Lookups > Common
Create a new lookup type EBIZ_LOOKUP_TYPES and create a code for this lookup type.
Let us now check the lookup form.
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Application > Lookups > Common
Create a new lookup type EBIZ_LOOKUP_TYPES and create a code for this lookup type.