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February 17, 2015

2/17/2015 11:46:00 PM
Procure to Pay Cycle  Process/steps for Automation

1) Create Purchase Item 
2) Create Quotation/BPA for that Item 
3) Create Sourcing Rules & Sourcing Assignment, enable below profiles: 

MRP: Default Assignment Set => Define with desired Assignment Set 
PO: Automatic Document Sourcing => Yes 

4) Define Positions/Jobs/Approval Groups/Approval Assingments 

5) Set the Workflow Item Attributes 

- Is Automatic Creation Allowed? = Yes (*This is the PO Create Documents workflow*) 
- Is Automatic Approval Allowed? = Yes (*This is the PO Create Documents workflow*) 
- Send PO Autocreation to Background? = No (*This is the Requisition approval workflow*) 

Creation Allowed? 

AUTO_APPROVE_DOC Y CREATEPO Is Automatic Approval Allowed? 

CONT_WF_FOR_AC_REL_GEN Y CREATEPO Should Workflow Create The Release? 

GROUPING_ALLOWED_FLAG Y CREATEPO Is Grouping of Requisition Line Allowed? 

INCLUDE_NON_CATALOG_REQ_FLAG N CREATEPO Should non-catalog requests be autocreated from contract? SEND_CREATEPO_TO_BACKGROUND Y REQAPPRV Send PO Autocreation to Backgroun USE_CONTRACT_FLAG N CREATEPO Should Contract be used to autocreate Doc? 

6) Create Supplier and Supplier Site, navigate to Suppliers > Purchasing and click on Self billing , select Pay on Receipt for that Site  Set the profile *PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix* to "ERS"

 7) Create Requisition for item that is created in step 1 and submit for approval 

8) Since Item has sourcing documents , PR will be converted to PO automatically 

9) Based on Approvals groups/assignments PO will be approved 

10) Receive the PO 

11) System will automatically create Invoice 

Above steps are adopted from ittoolbox

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