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September 5, 2015

9/05/2015 04:38:00 PM
A sales order, defined as an internal document which lists buyer and sales quantity for a given purchase, is a valuable document for operations. A sales order form generally indicate that no additional production effort will be applied to the product. Exceptions to this occur, as with the making of custom products.

Sales Order Explanation

A sales order, explained as the internal document which explains the sale, conveys important information to staff. Sales orders fully document the needs of a customer. When a sale first occurs, sales staff take valuable information about what the customer wants. After taking this information, it is added to either a document or database so that the customer’s needs can be fully addressed. This is the sales order.

A sales order is valuable for 2 main reasons. First, it fully documents what the customer wants to buy. This is a valuable record to the sales staff because it can be reviewed later to gain information about the customer and their needs. At times additional information will be added to a sales order, such as amount of product delivered as compared to amount of product desired. All of the internal information regarding a sale is kept in the sales order, so it is extremely useful upon review. This is the value of a sales order vs invoice. An invoice merely includes the details, cost, and unpaid balance of the sale.

A sales order is also valuable for operational staff. Due to the fact that this document fully explains the demand of the customer, it contains valuable information for those preparing the delivery. This staff needs a sales order; processing products requires a full understanding of the order which is being processed. In this way a sales order vs purchase order is very different; the sales order includes internal information which is not important to the customer and thus not included in their purchase order.

Sales orders, traditionally, were a paper document. In modern times, the whole sales order book is kept in a single database. This way, staff can access the information quickly. In times where one piece of information is needed, staff can simply look into the database and answer their question. In times where the full information is needed, a printout or electronic copy can make this information accessible as well.

Internal Sales Order
You manage internal sales orders using some of the same windows as customer sales orders. Once you import an internal requisition using Order Import, you can use the Schedule Orders window to change the reserved quantity, schedule date, schedule status, ship-to contact, freight carrier, and shipment priority. The destination organization has complete visibility to any changes in incoming supply based on schedule date changes or partial shipments.
Pricing of internal requisitions is based on item costs as they are passed through OrderImport; price lists are irrelevant.

You can demand inventory for internal requisitions either to the organization, or the organization and sub inventory levels. Use the Demand Interface to place demand against your source organization and/or sub inventory in background, or the Schedule Orders window to place demand on-line.

You cannot view or update internal sales orders in the Sales Orders window. Use the View Orders window to view information and the Schedule Orders window to update information.

Useful query for Internal sales order

SELECT porh.segment1,
           ool.line_number so_line_num,
  FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,
          po_requisition_headers_all porh,
          po_requisition_lines_all porl,
          po_req_distributions_all pord,
          oe_order_lines_all ool,
          po_system_parameters_all posp,
          rcv_shipment_headers rsh,
          rcv_transactions rcv
 WHERE ooh.order_source_id = posp.order_source_id
   AND porh.org_id = posp.org_id
   AND porh.requisition_header_id = ool.source_document_id
   AND porl.requisition_line_id = ool.source_document_line_id
   AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id
   AND porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id
   AND porl.requisition_line_id = rcv.requisition_line_id
   AND pord.distribution_id = rcv.req_distribution_id
   AND rcv.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
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