What is RICEF?
- Reports
- Interfaces
- Conversions
- Extensions
- Forms
Considering RICEF strategies, the following tools are
proposed for the development of required components.
Oracle Developer Suite
Oracle Developer Suite is a set of products that will be
used to develop custom reports, extensions, and conversions programs. Within the
suite, the following sets of components are available:
Forms Developer
Reports Developer
Warehouse Builder
Discoverer Administrator
Business Intelligence Beans
Oracle Application Framework
JDeveloper is the primary IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) for Java development in the Oracle environment. In order to
develop with the Oracle Application Framework, an extension needs to be added
to JDeveloper – OA Extension.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager offers a comprehensive and
easy-to-use infrastructure for creating, deploying, and managing BPEL business
processes. It includes a BPEL server and plug-in for JDeveloper.
Oracle Workflow Builder
Oracle Workflow Builder is a graphical tool for creating,
viewing, and modifying workflow process definitions.
Oracle Message Designer
Oracle Message Designer is a wizard-guided,
repository-based tool used to create XML message maps. Map creation consists of
defining the data source and data target, defining hierarchy and data maps between
the source and target data, and defining actions for data transformation and
process control.
Note: If you are working on R12 you have expertise on Oracle forms 10g/reports 10g