What is the difference between the agreed
amount and the amount limit fields while entering a contract purchase agreement
and issues related to these fields?
1. The agreed amount field at the header level is copied to
the amount limit in the terms and conditions block. This is also the amount
that is printed on the blanket agreement and represents the contract amount
between you and the vendor.
2. The amount limit field will restrict the cumulative
releases applied to this purchase agreement from exceeding the specified dollar
amount entered here. The value of this field must be equal to or greater than
the agreed amount field. This column is used for release approval amount
validation. If the total cumulative releases exceed this amount approval will
fail. The purpose of this field is to allow user to set a higher approval
amount limit than the amount agreed.
What is the difference between PO_LINE_ID and
LINE_NUM in the table PO_LINES_ALL?
PO_LINE_ID is the unique system generated line number
invisible to the user. LINE_NUM is the number of the line on the Purchase
What's the difference between the due date and
close date on the RFQ?
Enter the Due Date when you want your suppliers to reply.
Purchasing prints the reply due date on the RFQ. Purchasing notifies you if the
current date is between the RFQ reply due date and the close date and if the
RFQ is Active. Purchasing knows that a supplier replied to an RFQ if you enter
a quotation for this supplier referencing the RFQ. Enter the Close Date for the
RFQ. Purchasing prints the close date on the RFQ. Purchasing notifies you if
the current date is between the RFQ reply due date and the close date and if the
RFQ is Active. Purchasing warns you when you enter a quotation against this RFQ
after the close date.
When does a Purchase Order line get the
closure status of 'Closed for Receiving'?
Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and
invoicing based on controls that you specify in the Purchasing Options window.
Once all shipments for a given line are closed, Purchasing automatically closes
the line.
When does a Purchase order get the status of
When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing
automatically closes the document.
What is the use of list price and market price
on Purchase Order?
If you have entered an item, Purchasing displays the list
price for the item. You can accept the default list price or change it. You can
use this field to help evaluate your buyers. Purchasing uses the list price you
enter here in the savings analysis reports. Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer)
and Savings Analysis Report (By Category). If you enter an item, Purchasing
displays the market price for the item. Use this field to help evaluate your
buyers. Purchasing uses the price you enter here in the savings analysis
reports if you do not provide a value in the List Price field.
What is the significance of the fields 'Allow
Price override' and 'Price limit'?
For planned purchase orders and blanket purchase agreements
only, check Allow Price Override to indicate that the release price can be
greater than the price on the purchase agreement line. If you allow a price
override, the release price cannot exceed the Price Limit specified on the
line. If you do not allow a price override, the release price cannot exceed the
Unit Price. You cannot enter this field if the line type is amount based. If
you allow price override, enter the Price Limit. This is the maximum price per
item you allow for the item on this agreement line.
What is the difference between the control
actions 'On Hold' and 'Freeze' for a Purchase order?
You can place a Purchase order 'On hold' only at the header
level. This un-approves the purchases order while preventing printing,
receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold. You can
'Freeze' only at the header and release level. You freeze a Purchase order when
you want to prevent any future modifications to the Purchase order. When you
freeze a Purchase order, you can still receive and pay for goods you already
Can the original Purchase Order can be viewed
in any way, for a revised Purchase Order?
The original version of a revised PO cannot be viewed from
the PO form or PO summary form. Information on the original PO is stored in the
PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE and PO_LINES_ARCHIVE tables, and can be obtained through
SQL, using the PO_HEADER_ID column as a common reference.
Why is my Purchase Order closing before a
receipt is processed?
Check the Receipt Closed Tolerance and the Matching setup.
If Matching is set to equal 2-way, the PO will close once the Purchase Order is
approved. If the line of the Purchase Order is received within the tolerance
the line will close.
Source : Oracle Related websites