A phantom assembly is a non-stocked assembly that lets you group together material needed to produce a sub assembly. When you create a bill of material for a parent item, you can specify whether a component is a phantom. One bill of material can represent a phantom sub assembly for one parent item, and a stocked sub assembly for another parent item.
Oracle Work in Process explodes through a phantom sub assembly to the components as if the components were tied directly to the parent assembly. You can define routing for phantoms assemblies the same way as other assemblies. Work in Process ignores phantom assembly routings when you define a job or repetitive schedule.
You can compute manufacturing and cumulative lead times for phantom assemblies that have routings. If you do not want to offset the components of a phantom assembly in the planning process, exclude the phantom item from the lead time calculations.
In general, phantom assemblies behave like normal assemblies when they represent a top level assembly, such as when you master schedule them or manufacture them using a discrete job. As a sub assembly, however, they lose their identity as distinct assemblies and are a collection of their components. The components of the phantom sub assembly are included on the job and on the pick list of the job--not the phantom itself.