Order Management :PTO Items - Config item not getting created
Defined a PTO Model, Option Class , Standard Items as follows:
1. PTO Model -ebiz110
PTO Option Class - ebiz111 - ebiz111B - ebiz111A
2. Standard Item - ebiz101 2.
Defined Bom ebiz110 & ebiz111
3. Creating the quantity for all the items.
Next when entered the item the ebiz110 in the sales order and book the sales order.
Progressed the order - config item is not created.
Instead a message appears that there is a deferred activity .
In the work flow this deferred activity was fulfillment awaiting.
After running the workflow background process this error went away. However the config item non-creation is still an issue
A config item will be created for an ATO model.
PTO model does not get a config item.
In ATO model end customer will have choice of options to choose from..where as in PTO there are already pre configured