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February 4, 2019

2/04/2019 10:59:00 AM
FRM-40657 Record Changed or Deleted by Another User '

Test Case
1. Navigation to (Responsibility) System Administrator -> (Menu) Security > (SubMenu) User- > (Function) Define
2. Query out the user.
3. Try to provide an end_date to the responsibility assignment record under the user.

How to identify the error

1. Navigation from (Responsibility) System Administrator -> Security -> User > Define -> Query out the responsibility, found responsibility key is <NEW_VALUE>.

2. Found value <OLD_VALUE> is included in column role_name of the responsibility under the user by sql statement:

select * from wf_local_user_roles 
where user_name = '<user_name>'

and role_name like '%<OLD_VALUE>%';

--<OLD_VALUE> is 'Responsibility Key' in (Resp)System Administrator > Security > Resp > Define

How to FIX the issue?

1. Logon system with user 'sysadmin'.
2. Navigation Path:
(Responsibility) User Management > (Menu) Users > 
3. Search for the specific User and click 'Update' icon besides the record in 'Search Resut'.
4. Identify the Role (responsibility) to be changed, click 'Show' to expand the record, and select a date for field 'Active To' to provide an end date to this role assignment.
5. Click button 'Apply'.

6. Retest the updates to the responsibility assignment record and confirm the error no longer occurs.
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