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November 14, 2023

11/14/2023 01:10:00 PM


The procurement process in the ERP segment has streamlined significantly after the COVID-19 pandemic in the following ways:

  • Increased digitization: The pandemic accelerated the digitization of procurement processes, with many businesses moving to cloud-based ERP systems. This has made it easier for businesses to automate tasks, improve visibility, and collaborate with suppliers.
  • Greater automation: ERP systems now offer a wider range of automation features for procurement tasks, such as requisitioning, approval, ordering, and invoicing. This has freed up time for procurement teams to focus on more strategic tasks, such as supplier relationship management and risk mitigation.
  • Improved visibility: ERP systems provide real-time visibility into the procurement process, from requisitions to invoices. This helps businesses to identify and address bottlenecks, track spending, and make better decisions.
  • Enhanced collaboration: ERP systems make it easier for businesses to collaborate with suppliers. For example, businesses can use ERP systems to share purchase orders, track shipments, and manage inventory levels.

In addition to these general trends, there have been some specific changes to procurement processes in the ERP segment in response to the pandemic. For example, many businesses have implemented new supplier risk management processes to identify and mitigate potential disruptions. Businesses have also become more focused on sourcing from local suppliers to reduce supply chain risk.

Here are some specific examples of how ERP systems are being used to streamline procurement processes in the post-COVID era:

  • Automated requisitioning and approval: ERP systems can automate the requisitioning and approval process, which can save businesses a significant amount of time and effort. For example, employees can submit requisitions electronically, and managers can approve them using a mobile app.
  • Electronic ordering: ERP systems can also automate the ordering process, which can help businesses to improve accuracy and reduce costs. For example, businesses can use ERP systems to generate purchase orders automatically based on approved requisitions.
  • Supplier portals: ERP systems can provide suppliers with access to a self-service portal, where they can view purchase orders, track shipments, and submit invoices. This can help businesses to improve communication with suppliers and reduce manual paperwork.
  • Real-time tracking: ERP systems can provide real-time tracking of shipments and inventory levels. This helps businesses to identify and address potential disruptions early on.
  • Spend analysis: ERP systems can provide businesses with detailed reports on their spending. This helps businesses to identify areas where they can save money and improve their bottom line.

Overall, the procurement process in the ERP segment has become more streamlined and efficient in the post-COVID era. This is due in part to the increased digitization and automation of procurement tasks. ERP systems are now playing a vital role in helping businesses to improve their procurement processes and save money.

For more articles Oracle Cloud Procurement

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