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December 16, 2024

12/16/2024 12:11:00 PM

 To refresh a table in Oracle, the context typically revolves around either refreshing *materialized views* (which are like snapshots of tables) or refreshing the actual data in a table using different methods, depending on the situation.

Here are some methods to refresh data in Oracle:

 1. *Refreshing Materialized Views*

Materialized views store a snapshot of data from one or more tables or views. You can refresh them manually or automatically based on specific intervals or triggers.

Refresh a Materialized View Manually

You can refresh a materialized view by using the DBMS_MVIEW package or the REFRESH command.


-- Refresh a single materialized view

EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('your_materialized_view_name');

-- Refresh all materialized views

EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('your_materialized_view_name', 'C'); -- 'C' means complete refresh

You can also do this with a simple SQL command:


-- Refresh materialized view

REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW your_materialized_view_name;

 Refresh Materialized View with Specific Options:

- *Complete Refresh*: Rebuilds the entire materialized view from the base table.

- *Fast Refresh*: Only applies the changes that have been made since the last refresh, which is more efficient.


-- Complete Refresh

EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('your_materialized_view_name', 'C');

-- Fast Refresh

EXEC DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('your_materialized_view_name', 'F');

 2. *Refreshing Table Data*

If you want to refresh the actual data of a table (as opposed to refreshing materialized views), you can do so by using TRUNCATE or DELETE operations, and then re-inserting or updating the data. 

Method 1: Using DELETE (when you want to remove all rows)


-- Delete all rows from the table (without removing the table itself)

DELETE FROM your_table_name;

If you want to commit the changes:



Method 2: Using TRUNCATE (Faster method)

If you want to delete all rows from a table but keep the structure intact, you can use TRUNCATE, which is faster than DELETE.


-- Truncate the table (faster than DELETE and does not generate logs)

TRUNCATE TABLE your_table_name;

 Method 3: Using INSERT (to add data back)

You can refresh the data by inserting fresh data, either from another table or source:


-- Insert data from another table

INSERT INTO your_table_name (column1, column2)

SELECT column1, column2 FROM another_table;

 Method 4: Using MERGE (for incremental updates)

You can also refresh a table by merging data, which is typically useful for updating records rather than completely deleting them:


MERGE INTO target_table t

USING source_table s

ON ( =


    UPDATE SET t.column1 = s.column1, t.column2 = s.column2


    INSERT (column1, column2) VALUES (s.column1, s.column2);

3. *Automatically Refreshing Tables*

If your goal is to keep the table's data updated on a schedule, you can consider setting up a *job* using Oracle's DBMS_SCHEDULER or DBMS_JOB to refresh the data at specified intervals.

 Example of scheduling a job:



  DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (

    job_name        => 'refresh_job',

    job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',

    job_action      => 'BEGIN DELETE FROM your_table_name; INSERT INTO your_table_name SELECT * FROM another_table; END;',

    start_date      => SYSTIMESTAMP,

    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY; BYHOUR=1; BYMINUTE=0; BYSECOND=0',  -- Runs daily at 1:00 AM

    enabled         => TRUE



 4. *Refreshing Tables with Partitioning*

If the table is partitioned, refreshing partitions (especially with data loads) can be done efficiently. You might drop partitions and reload data or merge partitions as needed.


-- Drop partition (if partitioning is being used)

ALTER TABLE your_table_name DROP PARTITION partition_name;

-Add new partition (if needed)

ALTER TABLE your_table_name ADD PARTITION partition_name VALUES LESS THAN (some_value);

## Conclusion

The method you choose depends on whether you're working with a materialized view, a regular table, or a partitioned table, and whether you're doing a complete refresh or just updating specific parts of the data.

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