Unable to Create New Supplier due to below error
This Supplier Number already exists. Re-enter. ORA-20001: in Package AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG Procedure Create_Vendor
SELECT supplier_numbering_method, supplier_num_type, next_auto_supplier_num,
MAX(LPAD(segment1, 30, '0')) PADMAX_SUP_NUM
FROM ap_product_setup, ap_suppliers
GROUP BY supplier_numbering_method, supplier_num_type, next_auto_supplier_num;
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
Navigation Path
1. Please navigate to Payable System Options set up
2. Change the setup under Supplier Number for Next Available Number to one greater than PADMAX_SUP_NUM (which is highlighted)
3. Save the record.
4. Now retest the issue by creating a new supplier.
Unable to Create New Supplier due to below error
This Supplier Number already exists. Re-enter. ORA-20001: in Package AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG Procedure Create_Vendor
SELECT supplier_numbering_method, supplier_num_type, next_auto_supplier_num,
MAX(LPAD(segment1, 30, '0')) PADMAX_SUP_NUM
FROM ap_product_setup, ap_suppliers
GROUP BY supplier_numbering_method, supplier_num_type, next_auto_supplier_num;
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
Navigation Path
1. Please navigate to Payable System Options set up
2. Change the setup under Supplier Number for Next Available Number to one greater than PADMAX_SUP_NUM (which is highlighted)
3. Save the record.
4. Now retest the issue by creating a new supplier.